For Developers

Information for developers

To embed this app into your site

  1. Create your own Google Maps API Key with enabled Maps JavaScript API.

  2. Use the following code:
    <script src="[YOUR GOOGLE MAPS API KEY]&other_parameter=other_parameter_value"></script>
    window.onload = MYL.init;

  3. You can customize the appearance of the map and use callback functions to integrate it with your page or application with the following parameters:
    GOOGLE_KEY Your Google Maps API Key with enabled Maps JavaScript API (required)
    container The map will render to fill this element. If this parameter is missing, a new item will be created
    title Set window title
    map_mode Set initial map mode. Allowed values: roadmap, satellite (default), hybrid, terrain
    layers_mode Set initial layers mode. Allowed values: add (default), remove, layers
    units Set initial area measurement units. Allowed values: ft (default), yd, ac, mi, m, ha, km
    tools Enable the following tools. Allowed values: marker, circle, rectangle, polygon, polyline, freehand, mode, menu
    drawing_mode Set default tool to use
    controls UI controls to show. Allowed values: area, enter_location, geocode
    region Set a default bias. The region parameter accepts Unicode region subtag identifiers
    language Display map information in a particular language. See the list of supported languages
    center The initial Map center: latitude, longitude. See the example: -34.397,150.644
    zoom The initial Map zoom level. Valid values: Integers between zero, and up to the supported maximum zoom level
    minZoom The minimum zoom level which will be displayed on the map
    maxZoom The maximum zoom level which will be displayed on the map
    geojson GeoJSON shapes to display: JSON data
    geojson_url GeoJSON shapes to display: direct URL to GeoJSON file
    buttons Action buttons to display. Allowed properties: ‘text’ - materialize CSS icon to display, title - button title, handler - callback function to call on action.
    See the example: {

To publish customized webapp with Google user authorization in a frame, use the following code:

<iframe src="[YOUR GOOGLE MAPS API KEY]&other_parameter=other_parameter_value"></iframe>

Important security notes!

Follow Google recommendations to protect your Google Maps API key

- for the webapp directly embedded into your site apply HTTP referrer and specify the following pages as allowed referrers: https://your_site_url/*

- for the webapp embedded into your site in a frame apply HTTP referrers and specify the following pages as allowed referrers:***

(if the address changes later, look for the updated URL in the web browser developer console).